viernes, 9 de agosto de 2024

Una fotografía. A photography.

 Una fotografía no podrá devolverme todo lo que fue.

Ésta, tomada hace 21 años, durante la Nochebuena de 2003, parece un cuadro de mi vida.  Qué ternura, mis pequeños de entonces, bajo unas alas improvisadas. Aquel tiempo, eterno, ya no.

Hace años que no celebramos la Nochebuena allí, ni siquiera la celebramos todos juntos ya. Ni somos ni estamos los mismos. Al águila de cristal también se le cayeron las alas, tan pesadas eran.


Sobre ese sillón mi padre se hizo silencio. Mi madre y yo tuvimos que arrastrarlo sobre una manta hasta la habitación para tumbarlo en la cama. A las pocas horas murió, 37 años ya. Mi madre le ha sobrevivido otra vida.


Mi padre coleccionaba objetos. Mi madre, recuerdos. De los dos hay en la foto. No quiero pensar en lo que debe ser vaciar  la casa de los padres. Qué orfandad.

Cada uno es parte del tejido de lo que fue y de los naufragios que el mar va trayendo.


Cómo no leer la luz de aquellas velas.

Lourdes Vicente

jueves, 3 de agosto de 2023

An interview for Thalamus Magazine #9, July 2023

My friend and poet María Beleña has made and edited this interview for the digital magazine Thalamus.

Take a look at the focus she has put on the questions. The pictures she has chosen are also amazing.

To access the reading you can click on the following link:

And don't miss the other interviews → A lot of art and a lot of poetry. 💛



miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2023

METAVERSO: a radio interview.

Dear Readers

Last Tuesday, July 25, I participated in a radio interview for RNE's Metaverso program.

If you want to listen to the podcast recorded and edited you can click on the following link:

  Thanks for your time.🌿

viernes, 28 de julio de 2023

LA INTEMPERIE, first poetry reading. July 19th, 2023.


Our distance is just a thread of light.

"This is one of the verses of this collection of poems called LA INTEMPERIE, which was born a little more than a month ago by the hand of Editorial Huerga y Fierro.

Under this outdoors -which is nothing more than life itself- we recognize ourselves as interwoven beings. We are not separated by age, origin, health or illness. Each glance is the reflection of the other.

Some of the poems that nestle in this collection of poems are dedicated to this wonderful woman who is my mother and there are also You, so I wanted the first reading to be here in this place where dignity has become flesh."

These were the words of the presentation at the residence where my mother currently lives. 

She is 99 and a half years old right now.

This is the video of a poem I wrote for her and that I was lucky enough to recite :

De qué estás hecha.

If, at any time, you want to get the book, click on: 
Inside, you'll find access to Amazon and the platform

Stay close.🌱

jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

Poetry of silence

Writing is like imagining silence.

Then comes the other.
The other one.

And the perception that the other, with his gaze, will make that silence unique.

I am in that listening.

The photos were taken by my friend Andrea Melanctha.
Meanwhile, I knotted the lavender.

|   poetry of silence   |

For more info:



 Stay tuned. 💜|

miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Creating community

Good morning dear ones !

From this week you can buy the book online. 

Click on this link to have access to Amazon or to get the book:


A friend of mine shared with me some photographs of her old mother reading the book, reading poetry. 
It made my day 

Feria del libro de Madrid 2023
With Charo Fierro, editor.

poetry quenches thirst

what comes next?


sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

LA INTEMPERIE by Lourdes Vicente

Dear readers

It's been ages since I last posted on this blog.
I am glad to share with you this good news.
My first book of poems is now a reality and I couldn't feel more grateful.

If you wish, have a look.


👉  For more info and to get the book click on :

📢 Have a look at the booktrailer on YouTube: 

   Stay tuned. 
Thanks for your time.